Sunday, October 13, 2013

Sara's "THE BEST" Guacamole

Bad blogger! We've had a lot going on.... you know, moving again, buying a house :) All happy awesome things, but busy things! We're feeling a lot more settled now though. Being a homeowner is just as hilarious as everyone warned us it would be. A few gas leaks, no hot water, and delayed internet later... it's feeling a lot like home. Mr. Darcy sure is happy.... he has a huge fenced in backyard! But this is still his typical position....

He's super cute. Anyway.

Have I mentioned I love my new kitchen? I've been cooking up a storm per usual. Speaking of which, I figured I'd share one of my best recipes to make up for the lack of posts lately. 

I am not usually one to brag.... okay that's a lie. 

But I only brag when it's the truth!! ;) 

I make the best guacamole ever. EVER. This is a not a lie. Several people can attest to this. I bet I could sign a petition and get many many signatures. I have tried other guacamole. I have tried it at Mexican restaurants. Mine's the best. Sorry not sorry.

Eh, guacamole doesn't photograph too well.... but trust me, one bite on some yummy tortilla chips and you will sign the petition too.

The Ingredients
3 RIPE avocados**
1-2 cloves garlic, minced
1 tablespoon greek yogurt
1 dash of sriracha 
1 handful fresh cilantro, chopped
Juice from 1 fresh lime
1 tsp chili powder
1 tsp crushed red pepper flakes
Salt and pepper to taste 

How to make it:

**Okay, let me start off by saying the key to the best guacamole starts with your base, the avocados. They need to be ripe. When I shop in the grocery store, I look for avocados that have a dark skin and are pretty mushy when I squeeze them. 

First, you need to get the yummy avocado-ness into your bowl. I cut them like this:

Ta da! Then I simply squeeze them into the bowl. Note: KEEP THE PIT. This keeps your guacamole from oxidizing and turning a yucky brown color. The pits should be in the guacamole. Trust me, this is for the best guacamole ever.

See? They should be so ripe that they just come out no problem into your bowl.... I smartly chose a guacamole colored bowl for this photo shoot.... eh.... all well. ......... start mashing your avocados with a fork or spoon to make it smooth. This is why I add the greek yogurt, it helps make it smoother and creamier, and also a nice tangy taste. 

Give the cilantro a rough chop, and add the rest of your ingredients to taste. I have found the key to success is to make the spices how you like, and not to be skimpy with the salt. 

Mmmm cilantro. Oh you don't like cilantro? Well you're weird. Just kidding (....) but seriously, my future sister in law doesn't care for it either, but she loved it in my guacamole :) 

And then you're done!!!! And ready to serve on yummy tortilla chips or with some tacos or nachos or wraps or whatever! :) :) If you need more, just add more avocados and adjust the rest of the ingredients. If you like more lime, you can add more of those too.... my brother in law requests a lot.

What's the best thing you know how to make? :) Ttfn!